[ENG, ITA and DE below]
For some days we have revealed the limited edition, 20 copies, of our personalized tarot deck and taken from our concept album “Hermeneutics”. We remind you that the album will be released on May 29th in all digital stores through AUSR digital. But today we want to give you a detail on all 22 tarot cards in order to give you an idea of what we did. The photos were made by Nicolas “Xas” Giordano and post produced by Stefano Corona.
So check it out here below
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Seit einigen Tagen enthüllen wir die limitierte Auflage von 20 Exemplaren unseres personalisierten Tarot-Decks und stammen aus unserem Konzeptalbum “Hermeneutics”. Wir erinnern Sie daran, dass das Album am 29. Mai in allen Digital Stores über AUSR Digital veröffentlicht wird. Aber heute möchten wir Ihnen ein Detail zu allen 22 Tarotkarten geben, um Ihnen eine Vorstellung davon zu geben, was wir getan haben. Die Fotos wurden von Nicolas “Xas” Giordano gemacht und von Stefano Corona nachproduziert.
Schauen Sie also unten nach
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Da alcuni giorni abbiamo rivelato la limited edition, 20 copie, del nostro mazzo di tarocchi personalizzato e tratto dal nostro concept album “Hermeneutics”. Vi ricordiamo che l’album uscirà il 29 maggio prossimo in tutti i digital store tramite AUSR digital. Ma oggi vogliamo darvi un dettaglio su tutti e 22 i tarocchi in modo da darvi l’idea di cosa abbiamo fatto. Le foto sono state fatte da Nicolas “Xas” Giordano e post prodotte da Stefano Corona.
Quindi date un’occhiata qui sotto
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The Fool The Magician The High priestess The Empress The Emperor The Hierophant The Lovers The Chariot The Strenght The Hermit The Wheel of fortune The Justice The Hanged man The Death The Temperance The Devil The Tower The Star The Moon The Sun The Judgement The World