[ENG] So Blut Friends, we have the first pictures of the last show, pictures by Caterina Zarpellon and Sabrina Rubini. Thank you so much. If you have some our pictures send it to us and we ‘ll upload it here. So check these pictures of our last show in Vedano Olona at Arlecchino Pub. Read More
Photoreport form our last show @ The one music pub
[ENG] So Blut Friends, we have the first pictures of the last show from a fan. Thank you so much. If you have some our pictures send it to us and we ‘ll upload it here. So check these pictures of our last show in Cassano d’adda at The one Music Pub. Cheers and Stay Read More
First pictures form our Release party
[ENG] So Blut Friends, we would like to show you what’s happened last friday on our Release party. These below you can find the first stage pictures during the show. #Blut #Blutlive #live #releaseparty #insidemymindpart2 #insidemymindpartII #roadoutsideourmindtour #AUSR #Sliptrickrecords #Secretsoundrecords #happymoments #soIsaidwelcometotheshow Read More
[ENG] Dear Blut Friend today is our D day. The Release party will come fast and hard like an hurricane. You will can find us at Estabì in Ornavasso (Vb) with our friends Rideout From today you can buy our new cd “Inside my mind part II” and follow us in our “Road outside our Read More