Hallo Blut friends,
“Don’t stop me now” says Queen, so we don’t stop us! We will be on air on “Freakshow” on Gold radio web on Tuesday 22th of May, we wil have an intertview, we speak about us our past projects and next projects, and to perform some our songs in acustic version.
Here: www.goldradioweb.com
Here: www.facebook.com/goldradioweb/
and here you can find the podcast after the show: www.goldradioweb.com/podcast
Why so serious?
#Blut #goldradioweb #blutacustic #acusticversion #ausr #sliptrickrecords #sliptrick #secretsoundrecords #whysoserious #dontstopmenow #followus #news
Hallo Blut friends,
“Don’t stop me now” dicevano i Queen, e noi non ci fermiamo! Saremo ospiti di “Freakshow” su Gold radio web martedì 22 maggio prossimo e faremo intervista, parleremo di noi e dei nostri lavori passati e futuri, ed alcune canzoni nostre in acustico.
Quindi seguiteci su Gold radio web
da qui: www.goldradioweb.com
qui: www.facebook.com/goldradioweb/
e a questo link troverete il podcast dopo lo show: www.goldradioweb.com/podcast
Why so serious?
#Blut #goldradioweb #blutacustic #acusticversion #ausr #sliptrickrecords #sliptrick #secretsoundrecords #whysoserious #dontstopmenow #followus #news