Hallo Blut friends,
happy new year again and check these out!
This is our first news for 2018, we would like to share with all our fans a playlist made with our singles taken from “Inside my mind part II”.

Now you can find our playlist on Soundcloud at this link: https://soundcloud.com/user-692703733/sets/inside-my-mind-part-ii-singles

Have a good year with us and enjoy our singles.

#Blut #Singles #Soundcloud #AUSR #Secretsoundrecords #Sliptrickrecords #news #2018

Saluti amici di Blut,

Buon anno ancora e controllate questa cosa fatta per voi!
Questa รจ la nostra prima news per questo 2018, abbiamo voluto condividere con voi una playlist formta dai nostri singoli tratti da “Inside my mind part II”.

Ora questa playlist la potete trovare sul nostro Sound cloud al seguente link: https://soundcloud.com/user-692703733/sets/inside-my-mind-part-ii-singles

Buon anno in nostra compagnia e godetevi i nostri singoli

#Blut #Singles #Soundcloud #AUSR #Secretsoundrecords #Sliptrickrecords #news #2018